
Showing posts from October, 2018

Busy Needles.

Been a while since my last post - to which I got some really interesting replies . Thank you to everyone who took the time to give me their thoughts. I appreciate it. I've been quiet due to being busy. I have been making like mad as I had confirmation of getting a stall at a show I want to do. There will be more on that closer to the involves the dreaded 'C" word, and I think October is still too early! I also had another week with Mike at home on a weeks holiday which was lovely, and I always like to take the time to be with him, and that means less knitting time. Another reason for a bit less on line stuff was helping my Mum a bit after her operation, though to be fair, she is an amazingly strong woman, who coped with so much pain with so much strength and dignity. I am such a wuss that I think I might be a changeling. Last week I managed to complete three pairs of hand warmers and at the moment these have not gone onto Etsy as I am holding on to a c