
Showing posts from August, 2018

It's been a weird week

Hello again. Hope you are all well, and if in the UK looking forward to the Bank Holiday Weekend. I know I am. It is time for a serious haircut as my fringe is tickling my nose and really annoying me. Problem is I can't decide what to 'do' for a 'do'. I think it is time for a change. On the progress front it has been a weird one this week. I have felt a bit under the weather. I thought I was incubating a cold or a throat infection, and that feeling kept coming and going. Then I thought it was hormones (and it could well be that) but still not sure, and then to add insult to injury my back started twinging as well. However, besides all of the above I have managed to get a lot done. Two pairs of mittens off the needles, loads of new photos taken and edited, though I still need to do the modelled shots. I need Mike for that, hopefully we will have time this weekend.  I got to do some sewing too, and  I have also kept up with my daily yoga and meditation practise whic

Best Laid Plans

Last week I decided to take a week off and just be. Thinking space was needed and some time to just let my world fall into place and if I can't do that when I am at home and not working for 'the man', then when can I? I decided to not post on social media from Monday to Friday (though I did still look once a day normally whilst drinking my after dinner coffee), and I stuck to it. There was one sad exception where I felt I needed to be seen and comment, but apart from that I didn't share my life with the world on line. The result of this was one the most productive weeks ever. And yes I ended up working on mittens, but I just got so much done. I dyed yarn and fabric. I made one full pair of mittens and two pairs of hand warmers, I started a new drawing, I read, I caught on pod casts and some TV. It was amazing and such an eye opener on what a time suck things like Twitter, Instagram and Face Book can be - or for me they are. I also felt calmer and slept better - bu