
Showing posts from July, 2018

A Productive Week

Thought I would post a little about my process or working week. I start the week with a target or goal in mind - this week was to have three or four things off of the needles. I planned  three smaller projects and one larger or more time consuming. For the three smaller I decided (roughly) on style and colour palette and went from there. I keep a stock list of the yarns I have, the amounts and colours, that said I still played 'yarn chicken' with one of them being left with 10cm of the main colour after binding off! Other weeks if I am dyeing my own colours then I start the week with skeining from the cone and dyeing early in the week so if I'm not happy with what I produce I can over dye of try again later in the week. I am rather thankful (due to the heat) that I had no dyeing planned this week - phew! For this week it was mainly about deciding patterns, charting or adapting existing charts and then knitting. Thing is I am a fidget so I can't just sit and kni

Hello and welcome

Hi and thanks for dropping by. At the moment I am busy making and doing preparing to  launch in the Autumn. But I thought I would take a moment to make a post on here and explain what I am up to, and a little bit about me. Mainly so if you stumble here by accident it doesn't look like an abandoned space and also because the time felt right. Sparrow House Knits is an idea I came up with a while back and didn't have the time to actually do anything with, but  a change in life circumstances (I decided to quit my job) and having the backing of friends and family, along with the bonus of time, I decided to go ahead, and to try and make my dream of having my own small business and working from home a reality. The idea is to make knitted accessories, primarily, for those who cannot or don't want to knit for themselves. I noticed how many of my non-knitting friends were often commenting on what I make and saying how they would love the have these things but had neither time, in